OpenSSL certificate generation script - как ни крути, полезная штука! Честно украдено у freeRADIUS.
export PATH=${SSL}/bin/:${SSL}/ssl/misc:${PATH}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${SSL}/lib
# needed if you need to start from scratch otherwise the -newca command doesn't copy the
# private key into the CA directories
rm -rf demoCA
echo "*********************************************************************************"
echo "Creating self-signed private key and certificate"
echo "When prompted override the default value for the Common Name field"
echo "*********************************************************************************"
# Generate a new self-signed certificate.
# After invocation, newreq.pem will contain a private key and certificate
# newreq.pem will be used in the next step
openssl req -new -x509 -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem -days 730 \
-passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever
echo "*********************************************************************************"
echo "Creating a new CA hierarchy (used later by the "ca" command) with the certificate"
echo "and private key created in the last step"
echo "*********************************************************************************"
echo "newreq.pem" | -newca >/dev/null
echo "*********************************************************************************"
echo "Creating ROOT CA"
echo "*********************************************************************************"
# Create a PKCS#12 file, using the previously created CA certificate/key
# The certificate in demoCA/cacert.pem is the same as in newreq.pem. Instead of
# using "-in demoCA/cacert.pem" we could have used "-in newreq.pem" and then omitted
# the "-inkey newreq.pem" because newreq.pem contains both the private key and certificate
openssl pkcs12 -export -in demoCA/cacert.pem -inkey newreq.pem -out root.p12 -cacerts \
-passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever
# parse the PKCS#12 file just created and produce a PEM format certificate and key in root.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in root.p12 -out root.pem -passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever
# Convert root certificate from PEM format to DER format
openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in root.pem -out root.der
echo "*********************************************************************************"
echo "Creating client private key and certificate"
echo "When prompted enter the client name in the Common Name field. This is the same"
echo " used as the Username in FreeRADIUS"
echo "*********************************************************************************"
# Request a new PKCS#10 certificate.
# First, newreq.pem will be overwritten with the new certificate request
openssl req -new -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem -days 730 \
-passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever
# Sign the certificate request. The policy is defined in the openssl.cnf file.
# The request generated in the previous step is specified with the -infiles option and
# the output is in newcert.pem
# The -extensions option is necessary to add the OID for the extended key for client
openssl ca -policy policy_anything -out newcert.pem -passin pass:whatever \
-key whatever -extensions xpclient_ext -extfile xpextensions \
-infiles newreq.pem
# Create a PKCS#12 file from the new certificate and its private key found in newreq.pem
# and place in file cert-clt.p12
openssl pkcs12 -export -in newcert.pem -inkey newreq.pem -out cert-clt.p12 -clcerts \
-passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever
# parse the PKCS#12 file just created and produce a PEM format certificate and key in cert-clt.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in cert-clt.p12 -out cert-clt.pem -passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever
# Convert certificate from PEM format to DER format
openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in cert-clt.pem -out cert-clt.der
echo "*********************************************************************************"
echo "Creating server private key and certificate"
echo "When prompted enter the server name in the Common Name field."
echo "*********************************************************************************"
# Request a new PKCS#10 certificate.
# First, newreq.pem will be overwritten with the new certificate request
openssl req -new -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem -days 730 \
-passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever
# Sign the certificate request. The policy is defined in the openssl.cnf file.
# The request generated in the previous step is specified with the -infiles option and
# the output is in newcert.pem
# The -extensions option is necessary to add the OID for the extended key for server authentication
openssl ca -policy policy_anything -out newcert.pem -passin pass:whatever -key whatever \
-extensions xpserver_ext -extfile xpextensions -infiles newreq.pem
# Create a PKCS#12 file from the new certificate and its private key found in newreq.pem
# and place in file cert-srv.p12
openssl pkcs12 -export -in newcert.pem -inkey newreq.pem -out cert-srv.p12 -clcerts \
-passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever
# parse the PKCS#12 file just created and produce a PEM format certificate and key in cert-srv.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in cert-srv.p12 -out cert-srv.pem -passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever
# Convert certificate from PEM format to DER format
openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in cert-srv.pem -out cert-srv.der
#clean up
rm newcert.pem newreq.pem
10. OpenSSL extensions file
[ xpclient_ext]
extendedKeyUsage =
[ xpserver_ext ]
extendedKeyUsage =